/ [Offline-010][NR15] UE cap Clarifications (Huawei)
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part 2 simuRxTx
2020/08/24 2:11
part 2 simultaneousRxTxInterBandCA capability
2020/08/26 12:32
part 2 rate matching
2020/08/24 9:30
part 2 clarification on band combination
2020/08/26 7:57
part 2 ambiguity for multi bands or cells
2020/08/26 9:38
Draft summary of offline 010 Rel-15 UE cap Clarifications_v9_vivo.docx
2020/08/19 9:00
144,3 KB
Draft summary of offline 010 Rel-15 UE cap Clarifications_v8_QC.docx
2020/08/19 6:37
142,9 KB
Draft summary of offline 010 Rel-15 UE cap Clarifications_v7_CATT.docx
2020/08/19 4:15
155,5 KB
Draft summary of offline 010 Rel-15 UE cap Clarifications_v6_HW.docx
2020/08/19 2:40
127,6 KB
Draft summary of offline 010 Rel-15 UE cap Clarifications_v5_OPPO.docx
2020/08/18 10:27
73,3 KB
Draft summary of offline 010 Rel-15 UE cap Clarifications_v4_ZTE.docx
2020/08/18 8:15
66,9 KB
Draft summary of offline 010 Rel-15 UE cap Clarifications_v3_Nokia.docx
2020/08/18 7:52
76,4 KB
Draft summary of offline 010 Rel-15 UE cap Clarifications_v2_ER.docx
2020/08/18 7:41
74,5 KB
Draft summary of offline 010 Rel-15 UE cap Clarifications_v14_Part1summary_Intel.docx
2020/08/20 14:41
158,7 KB
Draft summary of offline 010 Rel-15 UE cap Clarifications_v14_Part1summary.docx
2020/08/20 8:55
144,1 KB
Draft summary of offline 010 Rel-15 UE cap Clarifications_v13_Samsung.docx
2020/08/20 4:34
149,4 KB
Draft summary of offline 010 Rel-15 UE cap Clarifications_v12_Nokia_MTk_Apple.docx
2020/08/19 18:24
148 KB
Draft summary of offline 010 Rel-15 UE cap Clarifications_v10_Nokia.docx
2020/08/19 15:34
143,6 KB
Draft summary of offline 010 Rel-15 UE cap Clarifications_v10_MTK.docx
2020/08/19 15:14
144,5 KB
Draft summary of offline 010 Rel-15 UE cap Clarifications_v1_ER.docx
2020/08/18 7:40
77,5 KB
Draft summary of offline 010 Rel-15 UE cap Clarifications.docx
2020/08/18 3:54
65,3 KB
21 items.